Friday, January 9, 2009

Me and VFX of 2008

Oh myyy its been a whole years now since I last posted here!!
And I'm very ashamed to say I've still got no drawings to put up (T_T)!

However today I thought I might put up some of the exercises I've been doing during the my first year as a VFX compositor! These are just few little exercises I was doing during free time at work. everything has been done in After Effects 7.0 and with plug-ins such as Trapcode Particular and Shine. And I was also having a Energy ball contest with some of the others girls from work, so I put a few of those up as well!

I will Defiently put some drawings up soon!!




Leath said...

Totally freakin awesome Maruna!
Looks like you're learning heaps over there.
Can't wait to see what you're gonna be doing in another years time:)

Makoto said...

Woooooo korega Gonzo de no seika~~!!!
Fumu fumu, Nice!! (>_< )b (bishi!!)
hontou ni kore dattara, Miracle weaver motto rakudattakamo ne~~~..

Tsugi no post tanoshiminishiteruzo!!

bn said...

Maruna, these effects are amazing!