Saturday, September 26, 2009

Anime style update!!

Hellooo blogger! I know I know its only been 8 months and 19 days since I last posted here!
I suprise myself with my own slackness! p(>_<)q!
But better late then never so here I am! (/^_^)/
I've finally got in to the pattern of drawing more and I'd like to share a few of my new drawings! My style (as you can see!) is heavily influenced by Japanese anime and especially at the moment from the anime series "Saki"(I've been helping out in the comping for it for the last 6 months).

I've also been working on some short simple animations with these kinds of drawings. I hope can finish them to put them up aswell.

Okay I wont take so long to post next time! so see you soon!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Me and VFX of 2008

Oh myyy its been a whole years now since I last posted here!!
And I'm very ashamed to say I've still got no drawings to put up (T_T)!

However today I thought I might put up some of the exercises I've been doing during the my first year as a VFX compositor! These are just few little exercises I was doing during free time at work. everything has been done in After Effects 7.0 and with plug-ins such as Trapcode Particular and Shine. And I was also having a Energy ball contest with some of the others girls from work, so I put a few of those up as well!

I will Defiently put some drawings up soon!!

