Monday, March 12, 2012

Illustrations for the past few months

 Lately I've been able to spend much longer hours on just drawing. It really makes me realise how long it takes to create something but also I seem to be much more content. Most of these drawings I have put up on Facebook already but I thought I'll put them on here as well! Now that I have more time to draw I need to find more time blogging as well! (>_<)!

Drawing I did for Sydney's Mardi gra 2012!

Drawing I did in Feburary cos it never stopped raining!

Don't forget to read!

I'm trying to work on my colour coordinating a bit more here!

Drawing I did for Valentines day!(>_<) title is: Watch out for 'rain' on Valentines day

One of the main charactes for a story I have in my mind, her name is Mika.

Beacuse I started to learn Belly dancing I find my self drawing belly dancers quiet often these days! shimmys!

Don't forget to look up!